RACE Spotlight Event

30 November 2022, 11:30-13:00 CET

On 30 November, five innovators will pitch their early-stage technologies aligned with the EU Green Deal in a virtual event organised by the European Innovation Council and EIT Climate-KIC. These innovators are looking to introduce their research-based technologies to investors, research partners and potential clients. The teams are part of the second cohort (Sep – Dec 2022) of the Rapid Acceleration of Climate Entrepreneurs (RACE) pilot project and the Market Uptake working pillar which seeks to enhance Europe’s innovation portfolios.

Join the Spotlight event online and participate in the Q&A with the selected group of innovators. The session, happening on 30 November from 11:30 to 13:00 CET, will be made by a panel discussion and a pitching moment.

Register here

The Five Future Innovations are:

  • Thermophoton, a start-up spun from the research project Thermobat – develops innovative Power-to-Heat-to-Power energy storage technology to decarbonise both the heat and electricity sectors. The value proposition is the supply of a very cheap system capable of storing large amounts of energy for long periods, which has high energy density, high global efficiency and uses abundant and low-cost materials.
  • MIRACLE Concrete turns low-tech concrete and cement-based materials into high-tech, eco-friendly photonic metamaterials. Its revolutionary Photonic Meta-Concrete’s (PMC) will be engineered to exhibit radiative cooling ability for the construction industry. Its applications can also be expanded in multiple fields such as solar cell technology or communication technologies.
  • AMAPOLA is developing low-cost Aluminum-Sulphur batteries that incorporate innovative polymer-based electrolytes, designed to outperform current Li-ion batteries.
  • ITS-THIN develops novel Ultrathin Carbon Membranes (CNMs) for unprecedented efficiency in water filtration applications, and the removal of small molecules and ions from water streams, inspired by the highly efficient biological filtration processes found in nature. Application fields are: water polishing for ultrapure water production and pharma and food & beverage applications.
  • Crop Intellect specializes in processed photocatalysts able to convert nitrous oxides from the air to nitrate in daylight. This process removes the potent greenhouse gas from the atmosphere while creating a Nitrate by-product that is essential for plant growth.

For more information, please contact Emily Amann: emily.amann@climate-kic.org