The event aims to bring together actors across sectors to continue building a dialogue and collaboration between young companies and city actors in order to achieve cities´ goals and targets on circular economy and climate change in a more strategic and systemic way.
- Celebrate with us the graduation day of our first batch of 10 start-up teams on circularity
- Engage in stimulating networking and partnership opportunities with investors, city actors, corporate partners and members of the community on circularity and sustainability sector
Circular Cities ClimAccelerator is an accelerator program for advanced team startups working on innovative solutions in the field of circular economy. Our accelerator supports demand-driven solutions that respond to the current problems of our partner cities: Berlin, Dublin, Athens, and Copenhagen.
EIT Climate-KIC is not an authorised business and does not conduct regulated activity in and of itself. The content of this webpage/ communication is not investment advice and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product.