ClimAccelerator Beyond 2021 Demo Day

09 Dec. 2021, 9-13:30 EET

The 2021 EIT Climate-KIC ClimAccelerator Beyond, a full-year acceleration programme to equip impactful clean-tech and climate-tech startups with the skills and funding to grow, will conclude on 9 December with a virtual year-end celebration and demo day event. Our 30+ participants will get a chance to showcase their progress and the innovative solutions that contribute to make our world climate compatible.

Serving start-ups in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Serbia and Slovenia; organised by Impact Hub Czechia.


AGENDA (EET timezone)

9.30-9.45 – Welcome & Introduction
9.45-10.50 – Block 1 – Get Inspired on climate action I
11.00-12.45 – Block 2A – Climate start-ups under the spotlight 
11.00-12.30 – Block 2B – Climate fresk/quiz REGISTRER for quiz HERE
12.55-13.30 – Block 3 – A word from EIT Climate-KIC  & ClimAccelerator Beyond team



HYDAL COFFEE – Cascade recycling of coffee grounds
MeteoInsight – Ready-to-use climate data for GPS coordinates of your project site
Rethink Architecture – Know-how database for sustainable architecture
Cidrani – Instant Kombucha
Water me! – An app to engage people to water trees
Harvestimo – B2B online platform that connects farmers
Makabi – happy pills for plants
GIVILI – Organic bed sheets
Elektropionir – Cooperative to establish a network of decentralized rooftop solar power plants



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