Join EIT Climate-KIC Entrepreneurship Programmes as we look toward the future of climate innovation!
It will be a great occasion for citizens, students, experts, corporates, governments, entrepreneurs and partners to connect and gain insight into our global ecosystem.
Learn how we are working to empower communities and accelerate breakthrough solutions to reduce carbon emissions and increase climate adaptation – See how you can get involved!
- The Climathon programme for citizen activation and ideation first plants the seeds of inspiration.
- Our incubator, ClimateLaunchpad, then helps innovators turn ideas into climate-positive businesses – we’ve supported over 3,000 of them!
- Finally, ClimAccelerator scales and accelerates these start-ups through radical collaboration and sharing resources.
MoRe on Entrepreneurship Programmes
11h: Welcome & Opening Remarks
11h30: Entrepreneurship Programmes Presentations
12h05: 5-Minute Break
12h10: Meet the Community – Breakout Sessions
12h40: 2022 Ambitions
EIT Climate-KIC is not an authorised business and does not conduct regulated activity in and of itself. The content of this webpage/ communication is not investment advice and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product.