ClimAccelerator Demo Day – Q2 2022

28 June 2022, 11-12h30 CET

Join the ClimAccelerator community for our summer Demo Day! The stage is reserved for our most promising female entrepreneurs who will pitch their climate-positive ventures to our global community of investors and innovators. Following the pitches, investors will have the opportunity to meet with the start-up CEOs via breakout rooms.

These start-ups represent a diverse portfolio of cleantech solutions ranging from seaweed cultivation to sustainable mobility, and much more! Following the pitches, investors will have the opportunity to meet with the start-up CEOs via breakout rooms.

Here’s the lineup:

1. HySiLabs presented by Bélen Moreno 
2. Vienna Textile Lab presented by Karin Fleck
3. Aequor Technologies presented by Marilyn Bruno
4. WeCo presented by Cecile Dekeuwer
5. Redrose Developments presented by Ann Ruddy
6. AgroSustain presented by Olga Dubey
7. Greenroads Malta presented by Claire Ciancio
8. MakeGrowLab presented by Roza Brito

9. Electric Avenue Bikes presented by David Harpur

Register here

We look forward to welcoming members from the ClimAccelerator marketplace which offers a comprehensive overview of the investment opportunities into early-stage start-ups. 

EIT Climate-KIC is not an authorised business and does not conduct regulated activity in and of itself. The content of this webpage/ communication is not investment advice and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product.

Details of start-ups coming soon!